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Quantum Materials Dynamics

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Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials

The laboratory of Quantum Materials Dynamics conducts research in nonlinear optics, photoexcited state dynamics, and condensed matter physics, focusing on the nature of relaxation processes in quantum materials. Methods of ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy are applied to separate the charge and lattice dynamics upon photoexcitation and to reconstruct the evolution of electronic and structural material properties. The group is equipped with femtosecond and picosecond lasers, spectrometers, and state-of-the-art optical systems developed in our lab, including time- and angle-resolved hemispherical elastic light scattering system for femtosecond surface spectroscopy.

S.Lysenko Sergiy Lysenko, Professor of Physics. His research team studies ultrafast events in strongly correlated quantum materials and nanocomposites using time-resolved laser spectroscopy, ultrafast angle-resolved light diffraction, plasmon- and UV-VIS-IR-THz-spectroscopy.
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Office: F-443, F-314
Tel.:787-832-4040, ext. 3155, 2772, 2021
sergiy{punto}lysenko {en} upr{punto}edu